Hello welcome to our blog! We’re so excited to have you here!

Who are you? 
I am Kristie and I am currently working as a financial analyst in NYC. Kenny the second half of 11AMCLUB lives an Atlantic Ocean away where he currently works as a strategy analyst. When I am not trying to debug my code, you can find me practicing yoga, posting photos on our Instagram or catching up on the latest episode of some superhero TV show. As for Kenny, he enjoys following the hottest tech trends and perfecting his milky way photography.

Why 11AMCLUB? 
Back when I was a sophomore and Kenny was a 2nd year graduate student in college, we had scheduled early lunches two days a week at 11 AM. One day, I had a crazy idea of starting a food review blog that combines something we both love: photography and food. We brainstormed blog names and wanted to name ourselves a play on our weekly scheduled lunches. Our initial idea was to call ourselves The Breakfast Club, like the 1985 movie, but we realized that 11 AM is not exactly time for breakfast. So we replaced breakfast with 11 AM and that was how 11AMCLUB was born!