I love how looking through my old pictures is like a trip back to my old self. I could barely look at the pictures without cringing at the thought that only about a handful of them are actually “nice”. Back in 2009, I would look through these pictures and felt proud of how “artistic” they were. These pictures were actually part of my high school photography project. However, now I beg to differ. The proportions were horrible, some of them were too dark and as much as I do not want to admit this, a lot of them were blurry. This experience led me to continue to remind myself on how life is a continuous learning process. Today, every time I looked through the previous post, I feel good about myself, but in, let’s say 5 years, I would probably say it sucks. Knowing this, I am excited to continue to grow not just merely my photography skills but also into a better person. Now please enjoy a trip to Disneyland Tokyo back in 2009, seen through the lens of a teenager.

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